Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome to my new blog

So, recent events have caused me to look at yet another way to "Get The Good Word" out.  I've decided to try the world of "Blogging" as they call it.  Wait... Blog?  What is a blog?  I have no clue, but its been in our vocabulary for the past few years.  Heck, my Uncle has used Blogging to keep the family up to date for several years; why not me?  Authors use Blogs for other ways of publishing their words. 

For the past 10 years, I've been working on improving my own understanding of the Nation's Incident Management System, also known as a project management and/or "org-chart" system in the corporate world, through education, research, more education, seminars, and yes, good old practice!  I'll admit, I learn something every single day!  Those who say they don't need to learn anything else are full of themselves, and a few other things we won't mention here. 

I also realize that while I've had the honor and privilege to participate in so many wonderful (and some horrible) incidents, classes and experiences, not everyone has had this same opportunities afforded to them.  By using this media, my Incident Management - One Step at a Time blog, I'll attempt to help spread some of those good lessons learned to even more folks.  This will also allow me to talk about my failures along the way. 

LEGAL DISCLOSURE NOTICE: Let me also be very clear, right up front and once and for all...... The opinions and comments that I make here in my blog, only represent me, myself and I, unless otherwise noted.  They do not represent any of my past, present or future employers, employees, co-workers.  If you have a problem, it is me speaking, no one else.  If you don't like what you're reading, there are 2 buttons.  An unsubscribe and delete.  Feel free to use either one as you so choose. 

Hopefully once a week, as time allows, I'll get something up.  I hope that those that follow this blog will offer me suggestions on what you would like to see or learn about. 

Be Safe - Manage Incidents One Step at a Time!

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